A brilliant find by someone over on Reddit – the old Bebo account of a certain Andy Carroll.
The account was last used when Carroll was 17 or 18 years old, and contains many pictures of him playing for the youth versions of Newcastle, as well as the standard topless-posing pictures of so many male Bebo users.
He also states that he plays for Newcastle and England, as well as disclosing his own personal MSN account for people to add him and chat. Rather surprisingly, he admits that his favourite film is the Jungle Book, before singing the infamous song on his profile…
Probably my highlight has to be the comment that someone posted a few hours ago, under the alias of “Kenny Dalglish”…
Kenny Daglish commented on Andy Carroll’s blog.
16 hours ago
What You?
“? ????? ???? ????? Kenny ? ??? ?? ¢????? Not Anymore ? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?f ??? you cost me my job ,What do you think? ? ?? ??? ??? ? ¢???? ?? ??? not with long hair ? ????? ? ???? ??? aye ? ???¢???? ?? ?? 3 ?????? disappointment,let-down,disaster ? ?f ? ??? ?? f?? 30 ???? ??? ????? ??? ??? Try sell you back to Newcastle ? ???? ??? ?? f???? ?????????? ?f ??? He has one massive head. ? ?? ? ????? ????? ??? ????? Hahaha, Ow Bebo ? ???? ??????? ? ?f ??? Francis Jeffers ? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ????? ??? Your rapport with the liverpool fans. ? ¢???? ??? ???? ???? ??? nah, I just can’t do it. ? ???? ? g? ??¢????? 4 ??? Horse in a Box. ? ???? ?????? 2 ???? ?? ????????g ? ¢?????’?? Why did you do it to me Andy? WHY? ? ????? ??? g? ??? ???? ??? aye if ya asked and paid, Cause I don’t have a job Andy. ? ?? ??? ????? ?? g??? ??????? Bestiality is illegal in England Andy. ? ??? ?? ?8z? no ? ???????g ??? ???? ?? ??? ??f??? ??? g?? Cut your hair Andy, People just don’t get it. “