If your a footy fan,than surely you would have joined a football forum by now.
But if you haven’t,or you just can’t get enough of footy than let me invite to one of the best footy forums out there!
Presenting : Nutmegged footy forum.
I’ve been a member there since late 2004 and have enjoyed posting there ever since,although i don’t post as much these days cause i’m a little more busier.
The atmosphere in the forum is nice and i’m sure you’ll meet some really cool people there..most of them are from the UK and i think i’m the only member outside of the UK that is a regular poster..heheee.
The other thing is the forum ain’t that big.. (member base)..which is a good thing cause you get to interact with members instead of posting in a forum with 20 bazillion members and not knowing anyone there!.
This is my current avatar at the forums:
So come on and join in the fun..just before the footy season begins!
See you there..